An Overview of Vulgar and Abusive Words in Popular Literature Since Song and Yuan Dynasties
摘要: 宋元以来,市井通俗文艺作品中散缀着形形色色的“村言詈语”,摭拾这些“村言詈语”,不难发现 它们多以歧视乡村人为底色,实际上已构成了一种歧视乡村人的文化现象。 为何会出现这种文化现象呢? 这主要是由于这些市井文艺的创作者和接受者多半是“城里人”,城里人觉得自 己比乡村人有钱、有文化、有地位,因而瞧不起乡村人,动辄喜欢拿“村”字组词来骂人、嘲笑人。 因此,说到底这还是因为乡村人在经济上穷困、文化上落后,才导致“村”字成了骂人的常用语,也因此只有改变乡村人在经济上穷困、文化上落后的状况, 才能真正改变古往今来歧视乡村人的文化心理。Abstract: Since Song and Yuan Dynasties, various kinds of vulgar and abusive words have been scattering among the popular literary works. To examine these words, we will have no difficulty to find that they are based on the prejudice against country people. As a matter of fact, this has become a phenomenon of which rural people have been discriminated. Why does it occur? This is mainly because the writers of these literary works are largely from towns. And they feel they are richer, more cultured and in higher place than those country people. Therefore, they look down upon those rural ones. Consequently, they form words with“rural” to call others’ names or laugh at others. In the final analysis, this is because that rural people are poor in economy and backward in culture. Accordingly, only when such poverty and backwardness are removed can the dis- crimination against country people disappear.