Connotation, Implication and Value of Infants' Interaction with Their Peers of Different Ages
摘要: 异龄同伴作为婴儿的父母之外的“重要他人”之一,有着其本身所特有的性质和特点,并对婴儿的生长发展有着特殊影响。针对现阶段早期教育中存在的忽视婴儿异龄同伴交往的问题,从婴儿异龄同伴交往的内涵出发,初步揭示了婴儿异龄同伴交往的价值:婴儿异龄同伴交往不仅有利于婴儿社交性的发展,婴儿情绪情感的发展,而且能够有效促进婴儿认知能力的发展以及婴儿自我评价和自我调控系统的发展。通过对婴儿异龄同伴交往影响因素的阐述,进一步探索了如何建立婴儿异龄同伴交往关系的路径,并分别为家长和早教机构提出建设性的意见与建议,以期促进婴儿身心健康的发展。Abstract: As “important others” other than parents, the infants' peers of different ages have their own attributes and features, and they have the special influence on the infants' growth and development. Aiming at the problem which overlooks the value of infants' interaction with their peers of different ages in their early education, this paper has started from the connotation of such interaction and expects to reveal its significance. The infants' interaction with their peers of different ages is not only good to the development of their sociality and their emotions, but effectively promotes their cognitive ability, self-evaluation and self-regulation. Through the expatiation of affecting factors of infants' interaction with their peers of different ages, the paper has made further exploration of how to build a path of such interaction, and proposed some constructive suggestions for parents and early-education organizations, hoping to promote the healthy development of infants both physically and mentally.