A Probe into Influences of Modern Science and Technology on Contemporary Economy and Society
摘要: 科学技术是第一生产力,表明现代科学技术是构成现代生产力的独立要素,是推动社会发展的重要力量,但不是决定性的力量。现代科技革命因各种客观性的因素发端于美国,以美国为中心辐射至其他国家,现代科技革命给人类带来诸多利益的同时,也给人类社会的生存、发展带来巨大挑战。当今,人对科学技术的依赖超过以往任何时代,使得我们比任何时候都更加迫切地需地建立一种批判性的、合理性的、反思性的现代科技观。Abstract: Science and technology are the primary productive forces, which shows that the modern science and technology are the independent elements of productive forces and an important impetus for the social development. However, they are not decisive. The revolution of modern science and technology witnessed its beginning in America due to various objective factors, and it has radiated to other countries. It has brought various advantages to human beings as well as great challenges for human existence and development. In contemporary society, human beings are more dependent on science and technology than any other times. This makes us to form a critical, reasonable and reflective science and technology view more urgently than ever before.