On Inspiration of Pearl Buck's “Land Culture Pattern” for Research Methods of Literary and Art Theories
摘要: 赛珍珠的诺贝尔文学奖获奖作品《大地》描绘了一幅旧中国农村生活画卷,在这些乡村生活背后,着力刻画了中国农民的欲望、信仰和习俗。从本尼迪克的“文化模式”理论来看,赛珍珠的《大地》背后隐藏着一个东方土地文化模式。赛珍珠的土地文化模式无论是从视角还是从方法上对于当下文艺理论建设有着深远的意义,从文学人类学视角来打量文艺理论研究方法,是拓展中国文艺理论的内涵和外延的一条新路径。Abstract: The Pearl Buck's Nobel Prize wining work The Good Earth is a scroll of painting which describes the rural life of old China. Behind such rural life, the work highlights the Chinese peasants' desire, belief and custom. From Benedict's theory of “culture pattern”, there hides an oriental land culture pattern behind this work. Either the perspective or method of Pearl Buck's land culture pattern is of profound significance for the contemporary construction of literary and art theories. A Study of research methods of literary and art theories from a perspective of literary anthropology is a new path of expanding both denotation and connotation of Chinese literary and art theories.