高师《大学体育与健康》分层教学模式研究与实践 ——以内江师范学院为例
Research and Practice of Hierarchical Teaching Model in TeachingCollegiate Sports and Health
摘要: 为认真落实《全国普通高等学校体育教学指导纲要》精神和内江师范学院“以学生发展为中心”的学校整体教学改革理念,文章对《大学体育与健康》的教学进行了反思.分析了高师公共体育教学改革现状:传统公体教育思想影响仍然较重,高师公体教学改革效果有待提高,与基础教育体育新课标有了新的差距; 介绍了内江师范学院公体分层教学模式的构建与实施; 提出了内江师范学院公体分层教学模式的新思考:公体分层教学模式围绕有效打造一校一品,校地结合并服务地方需进一步加力,紧紧抓住以学生为这个改革的根本,以期促进高师公体课教学质量的提高,并Abstract: In order to implement the Outline of the National Physical Education Teaching in Colleges and Universities and the reforming concept of overall teaching centered on student development of the university, a reflection is made upon the teaching of Collegiate Sports and Health. And a status quo analysis is made of the teaching situation concerning the public sports education in higher normal universities: the traditional stereotyped thought still exerts an effect on public sports education; the teaching result of public sports education remains to be enhanced; the gap between New Curriculum Standard of Basic Education and the practical results of public sports teaching is still widening; an introduction to the construction and implementation of the Neijiang Normal University Hierarchical Teaching Mode is done; and new ideas for the said mode are also put forth: efforts should be stepped up to shape a hierarchical teaching mode which centers on “one school, one brand” and “To combine college with local districts and serve them”; to strictly adhere to the principle of students as the core of reform so as to prompt the quality of teaching higher public sports education in normal universities, thus to provide some valuable reference for similar normal universities in this regard.