On the Teaching Reform of Flipped Classroom for PE Majors of Track and Field Sports
摘要: 信息技术在教育领域的广泛运用与创新,推进了高等教育的信息化,同时也改变了传统的教学模式,“翻转课堂”教学模式将引领我国教育教学改革潮流.本文就“翻转课堂”在体育教育专业田径术科教学中的意义,以及“翻转课堂”在田径普修课中的实施和注意事项进行研究,从而促进田径教学方法的更新,提高学生学习的兴趣和教学质量.Abstract: The wide application and innovation of IT in the field of education has promoted the informatization of higher education and brought about reform of the traditional teaching mode. The flipped classroom, doubtlessly, has become a vogue to lead the reform of educational teaching in China. The article makes an effort to discuss the realistic significance of introducing the flipped classroom into the teaching of track and field sports and points out the problems that might arise in the process of putting it into practice in the hope of renewing the teaching methods and stimulating students' learning interests.