The Status Quo and Counter Measures for FosteringEntrepreneurship and Innovation-minded Talents of CollegiateSports in Anhui Province
摘要: 运用文献资料、访谈、问卷调查、数量统计等方法,对安徽省6所高校体育专业“创新创业”型人才培养现状进行调查统计.结果发现,安徽省高校体育专业“创新创业”人才培养形势不容乐观,主要原因:大学生思想僵化,对创新创业教育内涵认识模糊; 创新创业教育师资力量不足; 创新创业教育课程设置欠缺; 创新创业教育实践培养缺乏; 创新创业管理体制机制不健全.对此,提出缓解和解决问题的相应对策,旨在为促进安徽高校体育“创新创业”型人才培养提供参考.Abstract: By use of the literature survey, interviews, questionnaires, quantity statistics methods, an investigation was made into the status quo for turning out entrepreneurship- and innovation-minded talents of collegiate sports in 6 colleges and universities of Anhui province. It was found that the overall situation in this regard is not optimistic, the chief reasons being the following:(1)college students being too stereotyped with too dim an idea for innovation and entrepreneurship education;(2)the lack of competent teachers for innovation and entrepreneurship education;(3)inadequate offer of courses concerning innovation and entrepreneurship education;(4)insufficient training in the teaching practice of innovation- and entrepreneurship-based education(5)incomplete management system and mechanism for innovation and entrepreneurship education. Thus counter measures for relieving and combating these problems are put forth so as to offer some reference for promoting the cultivation of innovation and entrepreneurship minded talents in Anhui.