Reflection upon the Construction of College Specilized CoachingContingent under the Occupational Capacity Standards
摘要: 根据我国高校教育教学实际需要,按照国家和教育部的有关文件精神,高校辅导员队伍应走专业化建设道路,为此,文章分析了专业化建设现状及问题:选聘重学历,轻专业; 培训表层化,深度不够; 考核体系不健全,科学性不足; 认同感低,稳定性差.进而提出专业化建设实施路径:建章立制抓落实,创新思路抓引入,提升能力抓培训,强化动力抓考核,逐渐打造一支专业化的辅导员队伍,不断提升大学生思想政治教育工作的科学化水平.Abstract: In response to the actual needs of the development in higher education and teaching, and in conformity with the spirit of the Ministry of Education, the construction of coaching contingent in higher institutes shall take the path of professionalization. A status quo and existing problems are analyzed like the over-emphasis of degree and the negligence of profession; training being too superficial; incomplete evaluation system lacking in scientifcity; poor acceptance and stability. And corresponding path for the realization of professionalization is suggested: relevant regulations be set up and priority be given to job of implementation; innovative train of thought be found and introduction be made; competence be heightened and training be intensified; stimulus be reinforced and evaluation be given due emphasis, so as to shape a specialized coaching contingent and constantly enhance the awareness of political education and ideology among the college students.