On the Construction of Out-of-school Practice Teaching QualityMonitoring System for Application-oriented Majors
摘要: 应用型专业校外实践教学环节质量监控存在的主要问题是:校外实践教学环节过程监控存在盲区,质量监控主体缺失,应用型专业特色不明显,监控指标不明确等,为此提出应用型专业校外实践教学质量监控体系的构建模式,其对策是:完善校外实践教学管理规范及质量控制标准,加强实践教学过程质量监控和管理,采用多元化全方位的考核评价方式理顺信息采集和反馈机制,完善实践教学质量监控的激励机制,为实践教学质量监控体系的完善起到了重要的支撑作用.Abstract: The chief problems found in monitoring the out-of-school practice teaching quality for the application-oriented majors are as follows: there exist blind zones in monitoring out-of-school practice teaching quality; the principal party in charge of quality monitoring is not found; the major indicators to be monitored are not clear. In view of this, the construction model for monitoring out-of-school practice teaching quality is put forth for application-oriented majors. And the counter measures are: to issue specifications for out-of-school practice teaching management and quality control standard; to reinforce quality supervision and control of the teaching process; to employ pluralistic all-aspects evaluation system to smooth out data collection and feed-backs mechanism; to optimize the incentive mechanism for practice teaching quality monitoring. These measures have played a pivotal part in supporting and optimizing the said system.