Freeze-out Effect of Semi-conductor Carrier at Low Temperature
摘要: 根据半导体的电中性条件,并考虑了杂质浓度对杂质电离能的影响,利用计算机求解方法,得到费米能级的位置随温度和掺杂浓度的变化规律,从而得到不同掺杂浓度下杂质的离化率随温度的变化规律,对半导体的载流子低温冻析效应进行了详细的分析.Abstract: Based on the electrical neutrality of semiconductor, and taking into consideration the influence of the impurity concentration upon the impurity ioaization energies, the computer solving method is adopted to find out the Fermi level variation law of the position with the change of impurity concentration and temperature. And thus the variation law of the impurity ionization rate with the temperature at different impurity concentrations is worked out. And a detailed examination is carried out to analyze the freeze out effect of the semi-conductor low temperature carriers.