By analyzing relative sea-level of all kinds of 85 indicators in Fujian coast since the past 40 000 years, we have found the ancient sea-level was below modern sea-level, about(-25±5)m in 40~20 kyr BP. Sea level dropped significantly in the LGM, and it was continental deposits or sedimentary interruption in Fujian coast. Sea-level was about -22 m in 12 kyr BP, and sea level rose rapidly to the contemporary sea-level from the late glacial to about 6.5 kyr BP, around 4 mm/yr. It was below modern sea level in the Early Holocene, appearing the first higher sea level in about 6.5~6.0 kyr BP, around +1 m. Sea level fluctuated between(0±5)m in 6~3 kyr BP, the second higher sea level appearing around 3 kyr BP, about +4 m, and from then on decreased gradually to the current sea level.