A Study of Implementation Paths to China's New Stock Issue and Registration System
摘要: 我国新股发行制度目前处于核准保荐制向注册制转型的关键时期,存在着权钱交易与行政权力干涉市场等诸多弊端,使得股票市场低迷,阻碍市场前进的脚步。综合考虑当前国情,借鉴国外发达资本市场的经验,注册制改革是大势所趋。由于市场还未成熟,注册制一蹴而就容易导致市场混乱,应在经济转轨时期实行核准制和注册制混合的制度,行政权力逐步抽身新股发行市场,踏实稳健深化市场化的程度,完善配套的法律与制度,最终全面实现去行政化,培育出成熟的市场,进而推行注册制。Abstract: The system of new stock issue in China is now in a critical period of transformation from the type of check and approval or sponsor to one of registration. There exist quite a lot of weaknesses like power-for-money deal and intervention in the market by the administrative power. This leads to the lasting depression of the stock market and keeps it from growth. Taking the current national situation into considerationand from the experience of the capital market of the developed countries for reference, the author of this paper believes that the reform of the registration system represents the general trend. For the market is yet to become mature, the complete implementation of the registration system will cause chaos of the market. Therefore, the combination between the check and approval system and the registration one should be employed during this transformation period. Further, the administrative power should gradually retreat from the new stock issue. In this way, we can deepen the market-oriented reform dependably and steadily, and perfect the matched laws and regulations. And all these will contribute to the de-administration and cultivation of a mature market and hence to implement the registration system.