On the New Pattern of Normalized Construction ofCPC'sWorking Style and Discipline: Administering Our Party Strictly with Fact as Orientation
摘要: “全面从严治党”的战略布局标志着党风党纪建设步入常态化建设的轨道。本文从价值和方法两个层面,分析当前党风党纪建设存在的党纪涣散和党风失实现象的原因,解析了十八大以来,党风党纪建设,以“三严三实”为价值导向,以《准则》为价值目标,以《条例》为制度底线,以体制机制改革为组织保障的常态化建设新构架。Abstract: The strategy layout of “comprehensively strict administration of CPC” symbolizes the fact that the construction of working style and discipline of our party has stepped into the normalization. This paper has analyzed the reasons of laxation of such construction and the lack of truth orientation of the party's working style from perspectives of value and methods. Further, it has interpreted the new pattern of the normalized construction of CPC's working style and discipline with “three guidelines for ethic behavior and three basic rules of conduct ” as the value orientation, CPC's Probity and Self-discipline Norms as the purpose of value, CPC' s Disciplinary Regulations as the bottom line, and system or mechanism reform as the guarantee.