On the Art of Language Variation of Lao She's Novels
摘要: 《离婚》是老舍先生创作成熟阶段的代表作,属于名家名篇。从语音、词汇、语法三个方面考察《离婚》的语言变异艺术,可以揭示文学作品中语言变异的特点、规律,从而显示老舍这位语言大师俗白凝练、幽默风趣的语言特点。Abstract: The novel Divorce is the masterpiece of Lao She in the stage of his mature creation. And it is quite famous. This paper has examined the art of language variation of the work from three aspects: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. This can help to reveal the features and rules of language variation in the literary works, and hence show Lao She's language features: vulgarity, conciseness and humorousness.