Tradition and Modernization: Evolution of Conceptions of Theory andPractice in Late Qing and Early Republic of China
摘要: 清末民初,伴随西学东渐的深入,以梁启超、严复和蔡元培等为代表的学人,围绕学与术的内涵及其相互关系,进行了新的阐释。这种阐释受到西方科学精神的影响,推动了传统学与术观念由传统向现代的嬗变,但同时他们对学与术的解释也存在一定的历史局限性。Abstract: In late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, with the further introduction of western learning into China, the scholars with LIANG Qi-chao, YAN Fu and CAI Yuan-pei as representatives began to make new interpretation of the connotation of learning and technique and the their relation. Such interpretation was influenced by the western scientific spirit and drove the change of concepts concerning learning and technique from tradition to modernity. In spite of that, their interpretation had certain historical limitations.