On MO Yan's Novel Creation from a Perspective of Qilu Culture
摘要: 莫言小说创作具有一种复杂的、较难调和的含混性和艺术张力美的特质。如果从齐鲁文化与文学创作二者比附对照关系的研究角度出发,不难发现在传统与现代的二维视域下,将传统道义与现代欲望置放在一个敛禁与释放这样一个相对动态的对照中进行深入研究,其小说创作的这一特质便显得异常明显。Abstract: MO Yan's novels are characterized by a kind of complicated vagueness which is difficult to ease and by the beauty of artistic tension. From a perspective of comparison between Qilu culture and literary creation, we have no difficulty to find that under the traditional and modern background, if we put the traditional morality and justice and modern desire in a relatively dynamic contrast between lust ban and release and make a study of them, we can clearly find such feature.