ZHANG Da-qian's Truth-pursuing Thought from a Perspective ofHis Comments on Paintings
摘要: “求真”思想在中国画中的表现在于两个方面,重视被描绘对象的主体精神与创作者的情感表现。张大千终其一生留下了很多反映其艺术思想的绘画语录,在这些画语中有部分是探讨笔墨的,其中透露出张大千很深的“求真”思想。Abstract: The truth-pursuing thought in Chinese paintings is shown in two aspects: highlighting the individualism of the objects to be described and the painters' feeling expression. ZHANG Da-qian left a lot of recorded utterances which reflected his art thoughts. Some of these utterances were about brush and ink and they reflected ZHANG's deep truth-pursuing thought.