On the Anti-Plagiarism Indicators' Misplacement and Rectificationin Undergraduates' Dissertations
摘要: 高校毕业生学位论文自查,已成为值得关注的问题.学位论文的思想价值,难以用技术性指标衡量.唯重复率指标为指引的现象,使得高校学位论文无实质性进步.提高论文质量的关键在于从结果终审向过程管理回归:一是论文写作的过程管理; 二是建设一只充满想象力,能够不断学习的教师队伍.论文的最终评估由专业教师团队负责.Abstract: It is an issue of concern that the undergraduates have to check the copy ratio of the graduation theses themselves. The ideological value of a thesis is difficult to be measured by technical indicators. As the copy ratio has been used as the only indicator, no substantial progress has ever been made over the years in terms of the thesis quality. The key to improve the thesis quality is to change the result-oriented evaluation mechanism to the process management: the first is to give more emphasis to the process of writing; the second is to build a team of teachers who is imaginative and fond of constant learning. The final say to the evaluation of the thesis should be left in the charge of the professional team of teachers.