On Water Attributes in Water and Ink Portraits Painting
摘要: 水墨人物画作为中国画的分支,是在传统写意人物画的基础上,吸收西方艺术元素衍生出来的现代画种,精神内核仍然是中国画的内核。水墨人物画同样把水放在非常重要的地位,上善若水,水是水墨人物画的灵魂所在,用笔、用墨不能没有水,笔墨语言的表现更离不开水,无水便干涩板滞,没有了中国画应有的气韵,无水则无画。水墨人物画中通过笔、墨、水的结合与运用,从而形成绘画表现语言,而“水性”的发挥则使水墨人物画的品格具有了中国画特殊的人文精神。Abstract: As a branch of Chinese painting, the water and ink portraits painting is derived on the basis of the traditional freehand figure painting and absorption of some Western elements. Its spirit core is still Chinese painting. It also puts water in the primary status. The supreme kindness is just like water. And water is the soul of the water and ink portraits painting. The employment of brush and ink cannot be separated from water. The expression of ink language has to be done through water. Without water, the painting will be dry and stiff and there will be no artistic conception of Chinese painting. Therefore, without water, there will be no painting. The water and ink portraits painting makes combination of brush, ink and water and then forms its painting language. And the play of the water attributes endows such portraits painting with special Chinese humanism.