On Filial Thoughts of Book of Filial Piety and University Students' Filial Education
摘要: 中国自古就将孝悌作为测评一个人品行的重要标准,《孝经》作为第一部将“孝”系统化阐释的儒家经典,在新时期对《孝经》思想进行新的解读,进而形成一套行之有效的新型孝道教育评价体系,以之为衡量大学生的行孝标准,使孝道教育的效果整体提升。首先应对大学生进行孝道知识的宣讲,并使他们认识到当今践行孝道的时代意义; 其次,还应该加强对大学生中出现的典型孝道事迹的宣传,增强学生们的责任意识; 再次,作为高校应该为学生尽可能地创设一些有益的教育情境,利用特定的节日和方式增强对大学生践行孝道,感恩亲人意识的教育。Abstract: In ancient China, the filial piety was an important norm to evaluate one's conducts. And Book of Filial Piety was the first Confucian classic work which systematically interpreted it. In new period, we give it a new interpretation and then form an effective new system for its educational evaluation which can serve as a standard for students' conducting of filial piety. This can be great help for the improvement of filial education. Firstly, we should make propaganda of filial knowledge among university students and make them know the significance of practicing filial piety in contemporary China. Secondly, we should strengthen the propaganda of some typical filial deeds of them which can enhance their responsibility consciousness. Thirdly, universities should create helpful educational environment for students. They can make use of special holidays and forms in an attempt to strengthen their practice of filial piety and their consciousness of gratitude for their family.