On Evidence Examination by Criminal Court in Scientific Testimony Era
摘要: 在21世纪科学证据的时代下,科学证据的运用给现代刑事法庭带来了深远的影响,其一方面提高了事实查明的可靠性和准确度,另一方面也对法官的自由心证产生了强大的冲击。在此背景下,现代刑事法庭要坚持法官的自由心证,并通过增强法官知识上的能力和加强程序上的保障,来不断提高法官审查科学证据的水平。Abstract: In the 21st century of scientific evidence, the employment of the scientific evidence has exerted great influence on the modern criminal court. On the one hand, it has increased the reliability and accuracy of facts found out. On the other hand, it has brought impact on judges' free judgment. Under such background, the modern criminal court should insist on such judgment and improve the judges' ability to examine the scientific evidence through improving their knowledge and strengthening the guarantee of procedure.