On Construction of New Four Modernizations under the Background of Chinese Dream
摘要: 新四化是实现中国现代化的基本路径,而中国梦的核心是实现国家现代化,所以推进新四化发展的过程就是中国梦实现的历史进程。探析中国梦背景下的新四化建设,就必须在其基本内涵的基础上,正确把握新四化在“中国梦”的实现历程中的重要意义。而其最终能否托起“中国梦”,关键是在坚持中国特色社会主义道路,弘扬中华民族精神,凝聚中国人民群众力量1的前提下实现四化同步发展,从战略的角度对新四化发展进行整体规划,探索新四化建设的新路径。Abstract: The new four modernizations are the fundamental path to the whole modernization of China. However, the core of Chinese Dream is the realization of the national modernization. Accordingly, the promotion of the new four modernizations is the process of bringing Chinese Dream into reality. In the probe into the construction of these new four modernizations, we have to know clearly the significance of them in the realization of our Dream on the basis of its main connotation. And whether we can cealize our Dream or not lies in that we conduct the synchronous development of four modernizations, make a general plan of them from a perspective of strategy and explore the new path to the construction of them under the premise of sticking to the socialist road with Chinese characters, developing and expanding Chinese spirit and aggregating the force of the whole nation.