做好语言与事实的相互印证 ——从“拧着鸟笼”说开去
Conducting Mutual Verification between Language and Facts——AStudy Triggered by “Ningzhe Niaolong”(Taking a Birdcage)
摘要: 立足于语言事实,对比分析了“拧着”和“拎着”的语义特征,指出两者最明显的区别性特征是方向是否转动,这是语法上判定“拧着鸟笼”是否搭配得当的标准,也是修辞上衡量“拧着鸟笼”和“拎着鸟笼”哪个更好的标准。语言学者应该做好语言与事实的相互印证,根据客观实际正确引导,当好语言导游或语言参谋。Abstract: On the basis of linguistic facts, this paper has compared the semantic features of “ningzhe” and “lingzhe”(both meaning “taking”). And it has pointed out that the most striking distinction between the two is with or without turning of direction. And this is the norm to decide whether the collocation of “ningzhe a birdcage” is grammatical or not and to judge rhetorically which one, “ningzhe a birdcage” or “lingzhe a bird cage”, is better. Linguistic researchers should make good verification between language and facts, and give advice and guidance to language use according to the objective reality.