An Analysis of Subject of Katydid Part of ZHOU Nan
摘要: 《周南·螽斯》历来有多种解释,如颂扬后妃不妒的经学解读,控诉统治者残酷剥削制度的讽刺说,此外还有今本《诗经》通行的祝人多子的颂歌解读。纵观这些解说,总是从螽斯“多子”的功能衍生而来。从《螽斯》的主题分析中,可知时代思潮对于经学解读的影响。Abstract: There have been various interpretations of Katydid Part of ZHOU Nan, such as those of praising the tolerance of king's concubine and satirizing the cruel exploiting system of rulers. In addition, we can find the interpretation of the songs hoping people to get more children in present edition The Book of Songs. It is not difficult to see that all these interpretations are derived from the phenomenon that a katydid has numerous children. From the subject analysis of Katydid Part of ZHOU Nan, we can see the influence of current thoughts on the interpretations of classic works.