A Brief Study of Music Literature in Economic and Ancient Codes Branch of An Old History of Tang Dynasty
摘要: 《旧唐书·经籍志》著录音乐文献38种,主要见于经部乐类及集部总集类。所著录文献以唐前居多,唐代文献仅占三分之一。其中唐人音乐论著主要为初唐文献。其分类方式承袭《隋书·经籍志》,乐府歌词类作品或因“词多不经”被著录于集部总集类。Abstract: There are 38 kinds of literature concerning music collected in Economic and Ancient Codes Branch of An Old History of Tang Dynasty. They are mainly in music part of economic branch and general part of collection branch. Such literature collected was mostly concerning pre-Tang periods. And only one third of it belongs to Tang period. Among this part, the works were made in early Tang Dynasty. Its classification inherited Economic and Ancient Codes Branches of A History of Sui Dynasty. And the lyrics of the official music workshop were mostly collected in the general part of collection branch possibly due to their non-classic style.