从八德园到摩耶精舍 ——论张大千独特的爱国表现
From Bade Park to Moye Elegant Cottage: On ZHANG Da-qian's Unique Patriotic Performance
摘要: 中国画职业画家张大千,昔人对其爱国主义的论述,多从其绘画的题材立论,以绘画的内容和形式为论据及从穿着打扮的角度切入为最常见。那么,张大千从“八德园”到“环荜庵”再到“摩耶精舍”,花巨资且一丝不苟地亲自参与营建,这种做法与他的爱国主义情结到底存在着怎样的联系呢?基于此,首先通过对country与state的含义之辩,探讨了张大千的“国家观念”的能指与所指——即表现为country; 其次运用麦克卢汉的媒介理论,把住宅作为媒介,分析了张大千精心营造三座园林的意义,正是基于他对自己从小形成的传统的country 的“国家观念”的笃信与眷恋!最终认为虽然张大千20世纪50年代以后长期滞居海外,但他始终以营造中国古典园林的独特方式表达着他对祖国深深的热爱!Abstract: In the past, when people talked about the Chinese professional painter ZHANG Da-qian's patriotism, they started from his subjects of paintings. And in most cases, they involved themselves in the discussion with the content and forms of ZHANG's paintings as the arguments and his dressing as the cut-in point. And then, ZHANG invested a large amount of money in the building of Bade Park and Moye Elegant Cottage and he himself participated in the construction of the two, is there any relation between his action and patriotism? This paper has first compared the meanings of the words “country” and “state”, and probed into the signified and signifier of the nation's concept, i.e. “country”. Secondly, it has taken houses as media and analyzed the significance of ZHANG's construction of three parks with Mcluhan's theories, which came from his belief in and sentimental attachment to the concept of a nation which had formed since his childhood. Accordingly, this paper holds that though since the 1950s ZHANG had lived overseas, he expressed his deep love for his motherland with the construction of the Chinese classic gardens.