A Probe into Relationships between ZHANG Da-qian and Shanghai Painting School
摘要: “海派”是一个在近代中国绘画史上影响深远、意义重大的画派,因受经济、文化、社会环境等因素的影响,该绘派成就了一大批近当代书画大家,也形成了其画派在花鸟画创作上色彩鲜丽、造型生动、雅俗共赏的艺术风格。作为受“海派”绘画影响较大的张大千,在自幼习书作画中就受到了颇具“海派”风韵的母、姊、兄的熏陶,后跟随其兄,走进沪、江、浙等地,从寻师到融入海上绘画流派,张大千与“海派”名家及海派绘画之间已真正形成了渐入的紧密结合,这种因缘关系的成就也是致使他的花鸟画风格形成并最终定格的重要因素。因此,追寻张大千在上海及江浙一带的行踪,探寻其与“海派”结缘的求索过程,对于进一步了解并掌握“海派”绘画对其花鸟画的风格形成的影响至关重要。Abstract: Shanghai School was quite influential and important in modern history of Chinese painting. Influenced by economy, culture and social environment, this school produced a great number of masters either in calligraphy and painting and formed its own striking bird-and-flower painting styles with fresh colors, vivid forms and co-existence of vulgarity and elegance. As a master influenced by this school, ZHANG Da-qian was edified by his mother, sister and brother with charm of Shanghai School in his childhood learning of painting and calligraphy. Later, he followed his brother to Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. From his early learning to the fusion into Shanghai School, ZHANG had witnessed his close integration with other masters and painting of this school. Such experience led to the formation and ultimate freeze frame of his style of bird-and-flower painting.