The Earliest Changes in Linguistic Behaviors and Culture of Foreign Residents in Korea Reflected in Lessons and Comments
摘要: 朝鲜汉学大家李边(1391-1473)撰写完成的汉文小说集《训世评话》,是朝鲜最早的“侨易”现象。李边因“侨”而思想变“易”,又把他变“易”了的思想再变“易”朝鲜民众。《训世评话》在“侨易学”中具有很大意义和价值。Abstract: The novel collection Lessons and Comments in Chinese compiled by the Korean sinologist LI Bian(1391 - 1473)showed the earliest changes in linguistic behaviors and culture of foreign residents in Korea. LI's thoughts had changed with his migration to this country. And then his changed thoughts exerted influence on Korean people. The collection is of great significance and high value in studies of such changes.