AHP-FCE Approaches on Model Design for CompetencyEvaluation of Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges
摘要: 为了应对日趋激烈市场竞争,各高职院校均在努力打造其核心竞争力,而专业竞争力无疑是高职院校核心竞争力的重要方面,因而就需要对各专业的竞争力做出科学的评价.在对当前高职教育发展形势进行深入分析的基础上,结合高职院校及其自身专业特点,提出一种基于AHP-FCE的高职专业竞争力评价模型.实证研究结果表明,模型具有较强的可操作性,基本达到对高职院校的专业竞争力进行科学评价之目的.Abstract: In response to the increasingly competitive market, all the higher vocational colleges in China are striving to build their core competency. To this end, a scientific system must be developed to scientifically evaluate the competency of each major of a school, taken as indispensable for the success of a higher vocational college. Based on a detailed analysis of the current higher vocational education and considering the individual features of each major, an AHP-FCE-based model was designed to evaluate the competency of specific majors for higher vocational colleges. Empirical studies indicate that this model is operable, which can serve the purpose of evaluating the competency of the majors offered in higher vocational colleges.