福建省电商优势县域的电子商务发展探析 ——基于电商指数与电商优势产品的分析
Discussion on and Analysis of the Development of E-commerce inAdvantageous Counties in Fujian ——Based on the Analysis of E-commerce Index and E-commerce Advantageous Products
摘要: 2015两会提出“互联网+”的发展战略之后,电子商务的发展得到各级地方政府的充分重视.福建省县域电商的发展水平位居全国第二,为了深入了解福建省电子商务优势县的电商发展情况及其经验,对福建省阿里巴巴电子商务百佳县、京东电子商务百强县、福建省第一批电子商务示范县进行了调研,结果显示福建省大部分电商优势县是基于当地产业基础发展起来的,而政和县在电子商务发展方面所取得的成绩,证明即使是经济相对落后的山区县,同样可以借助电子商务发展当地经济和升级当地产业,以实现弯道超车.Abstract: Upon the proposal of the development strategy of “Internet+” at the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference(NPC & CPPCC)in 2015, the development of E-commerce has been paid full attention to by local governments of all levels. The E-commerce development level in counties of Fujian ranks only second to that in Zhejiang. In order to deeply understand the E-commerce development situation and its experience in advantageous counties in Fujian, an investigation of 100 best Alibaba e-commerce counties, the top 100 Jingdong E-commerce counties and the first batch of E-commerce demonstration counties in Fujian was carried out. The result shows that a large majority of E-commerce advantageous counties in Fujian have based their development on the local industry foundations, while achievements made in Zhenghe County in terms of E-commerce indicate that even the relatively backward mountainous counties can achieve local economic development and upgrade their local industries by virtue of E-commerce, thus to make the “on-the-curve overtaking” a reality. Key words: Fujian Province; E-commerce index; electronic commerce