中国股票交易非理性投资与股市 断崖式暴跌现象探析
Analysis of the Irrational Investment and the Cliff-like Slump in the Chinese Stock Market
摘要: 在中国股票上市交易的二十多年中,不管是机构投资者,还是中小散户投资者,非理性投资现象十分突出,国家政策对股市交易能产生助涨助跌的决定性作用; 投资者购买股票把“有故事”的题材股作为最重要的选股标准; 小盘股最受投资者看好,股价可一飞冲天.中国股市投资者非理性的投资现象,必然催生中国股市交易暴涨也会暴跌,也带给我们一些启示.Abstract: In the twenty years of the Chinese stock market, a predominant phenomenon seen in an investor without exception, whether he is an institutional investor or just an individual medium-small investor, is irrational investment. The state policy plays a decisive role which can help produce a rise or a fall in the market. The investors have regarded it a golden rule whether a stock has a story or not in their selection of stocks; the shallow bid is to their greatest liking for its price might skyrocket. The irrational investment on the part of the Chinese stockholders will unavoidably bring forth a steep rise or slump in the market, which also sheds some enlightenment for making decision in dealing with the trade.