A Probe into Metaphors in the Theories Concerning the Human Nature of Pre-Qin Thinkers
摘要: 孟子、荀子、韩非子、墨子等先秦诸子在抽象人性的探讨与争论中,大量使用了隐喻的语言表达方式,一方面丰富了和拓展了人性探讨的视域和纬度,另一方面又造成争论中的错位和误解。Abstract: The pre-Qin masters like Mengzi, Xunzi, Hanfeizi and Mozi employed a lot of metaphorical expressions in the research and argument of abstract humanity, which enriched and expanded the horizon and depth of such research and argument and on the other hand, resulted in the dislocation and misunderstanding in the argument.