社会主义与资本主义核心价值观重心差异研究 ——以自由与平等为切入点
A Study of Differences Between Socialist and Capitalist Core Values'Orientation from a Starting Point of Freedom and Equality
摘要: 自由和平等既是社会主义核心价值观的内容,也是资本主义核心价值观的内容,但资本主义和社会主义对自由与平等的追求其各自侧重点是不相同的,其差异在于资本主义更强调自由,社会主义更强调平等,平等是社会主义核心价值体系的真正“硬核”。Abstract: Freedom and equality are not only the content of the socialist core values, but also that of the capitalist one. However, the pursuit of freedom and equality by socialism and capitalism has different stress. The difference lies in that capitalism stresses freedom more, and socialism emphasizes equality more. So equality is the real core of socialist value system.