吴伦水, 黄祖辉. 论我国价值观的主导性原则与多样性发展[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2015, (7): 111-114. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2015.07.023
    引用本文: 吴伦水, 黄祖辉. 论我国价值观的主导性原则与多样性发展[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2015, (7): 111-114. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2015.07.023
    WU Lun-shui, HUANG Zu-hui. On Dominant Principles and Diverse Development of Chinese Values[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2015, (7): 111-114. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2015.07.023
    Citation: WU Lun-shui, HUANG Zu-hui. On Dominant Principles and Diverse Development of Chinese Values[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2015, (7): 111-114. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2015.07.023


    On Dominant Principles and Diverse Development of Chinese Values

    • 摘要: 多样性是当代我国价值观发展的必然形式,主导性是当代我国社会发展的必然要求。要正确认识价值观主导性原则与多样性发展之间的辩证关系,努力在价值观的主导性原则和多样性发展之间保持必要的张力。


      Abstract: The diversity is the necessary form of Chinese values development. And the dominant principle is the requirement for the social development of contemporary China. We should correctly deal with the dialectal relations between the dominant principle and diversity of values, and try our best to maintain the tension between them.


