田成浩. 黄炎蚩“两战说”与“一战说”研究综述[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2015, (7): 66-69. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2015.07.014
    引用本文: 田成浩. 黄炎蚩“两战说”与“一战说”研究综述[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2015, (7): 66-69. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2015.07.014
    TIAN Cheng-hao. A Review of Studies of Views Concerning“One Battle” and “Two Battles”among Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor and Chi You[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2015, (7): 66-69. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2015.07.014
    Citation: TIAN Cheng-hao. A Review of Studies of Views Concerning“One Battle” and “Two Battles”among Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor and Chi You[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2015, (7): 66-69. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2015.07.014


    A Review of Studies of Views Concerning“One Battle” and “Two Battles”among Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor and Chi You

    • 摘要: 围绕黄帝战争传说中阪泉之战与涿鹿之战的争论,学界主要存在“两战说”与“一战说”,此外还有零星其他观点。其分歧主要集中在三个问题上:蚩尤与炎帝、阪泉氏的关系; 阪泉与涿鹿的地理位置; 炎黄之间有无战争可能性。系统梳理相关文献,厘清这三个问题,应该是客观理解黄帝战争传说的必由之路。


      Abstract: In the academic circle, there exist two views of “one battle” and “two battles” around the Banquan and Zhuolu battles in the tales of Yellow Emperor. Besides, there are some other views. Their discrepancies mainly focus on three issues: relationships between Chiyou and Yan Emperor and Banquan Family, geographical location of Banquan and Zhuolu and possibility of war between Yan and Huang Emperors. It is a necessary road to the understanding of the tale of war between Yan and Huang Emperors to sort out the relevant documents systematically and clarify the three issues.


