On Hamilton's Thought of Rule by Law Based on Evil Humanity
摘要: 受霍布斯等人的人性恶思想的影响,汉密尔顿在北美独立战争胜利后,主张成立强有力的联邦政府。他在揭示当时邦联政府弊端的同时,提出了联邦主义理论,积极推动召开制宪会议,为美国联邦宪法的批准、捍卫美国的独立建立了不可磨灭的功勋。尤其是他在吸收洛克、孟德斯鸠分权思想的基础上,根据美国国情创造性地提出的三权分立与制衡理论为美国政治的长期稳定做出了历史性贡献,成为美国治国安邦的政治良方。Abstract: Influenced by the thoughts on evil humanity of Hobbes and others, Hamilton advocated the establishment of a strong federal government after the victory of the Independent War. While he revealed the weakness of federal government, he put forward his federalism, and actively helped to bring about the convening of constitutional congress. He made an indelible contribution to the ratification of the Constitution and independence of America. Especially on the basis of absorbing thoughts of separation of three powers proposed by Locke and Montesquieu, he put forward his theory of three-power separation and balance which has contributed a lot to the stability of America for a long time, and hence has become a political prescription for governing the country.