宋代文集传播方式探析 ——以文集序跋为对象
A Probe intoTransmission Means of Collections in Song Dynasties from a Perspective of Preface and Postscript
摘要: 宋人对印刷传播这种新兴传播方式表现出极大的热情,同时刻石、抄写等传统传播方式又与新兴传播方式并行不悖,相得益彰。有宋一代,石刻、写本、印本三种传播方式并行于世,世人常常会围绕此三种传播方式之优劣展开争论。Abstract: People of Song Dynasties showed enthusiasm in printing which appeared newly as a means of knowledge transmission. Meanwhile, other means as stone inscription and copying went together with printing. And they had their own advantages. In this period, the three means of transmission, stone inscription, manuscript and printing, were in existence. And this resulted in the argument of their pros and cons.