On the Legal Protection of Justice in Preschool Education
摘要: 教育公平是社会公平的基础,作为教育的起始阶段,学前教育公平应当受到格外的关注。当前,实现学前教育公平的制度需求与相对滞后的制度供给存在显著的矛盾,因此,必须明确学前教育及学前教育公平的重要地位,了解当前学前教育公平法律保障的现状,就学前教育公平立法提出有针对性的建议。Abstract: The educational justice is the foundation of the social justice. As the beginning stage, the pre-school education should receive extra attention. At present, there exists the striking contradiction between the need to realize the justice of the preschool education and the relatively hysteretic system. Therefore, the important status of the preschool education as well as its justice should be borne in our mind. On the basis of the current situation of legal guarantee of the educational justice, this paper has put forward some proposals concerning such justice.