A New Interpretation ofBook of Change with Modern Mathematic Theories
摘要: 扇形“宇宙本体本源演绎图”是运用现代自然科学和中国古代数象原理相互观照的方法设计而出,它以0和1表达易经阴阳的两仪、四象和八卦。太极以坤为祖,将古老的八卦与现代数理链接起来。道与能是内涵与外延的关系,道能即宇宙的本体和本源。物质是不同维度的能量自组合的呈现和表达,三维在道能演化过程中是一个节点,与爱因斯坦的相对论公式和门捷列夫的元素周期表相互印证。宇宙有可能是能量子进行能聚变而诞生。能量维度理论可将中国古代的两种宇宙生成论和谐统一起来。Abstract: The fan-shaped “evolution chart of the universe” was designed with the mutual reference to the theories of modern natural sciences and the mathematics of ancient China. The chart shows two extremes, four animals which stand for four directions and eight diagrams with the numbers zero and one. Taiji originated from Kun, and it has linked eight diagrams with the modern mathematic theories. The relation between Tao and energy is in fact the one between connotation and denotation. They are the noumenon and origin respectively in universe. And material is the expression of integration between energies from different dimensions. The three dimensions are the turning point in the evolution of Tao and energy. They backed up Einstein's formula of relative theory and the Mendeleev's periodic table of elements. On this basis, universe might be born out of the fusion of energy. The two hypotheses concerning the birth of the universe in ancient China are unified, but not contradictory with each other.