许 彬, 付来侠. 从中西文化比较中追求社会变革——从郭嵩焘到梁启超[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (11): 115-119. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2014.11.023
    引用本文: 许 彬, 付来侠. 从中西文化比较中追求社会变革——从郭嵩焘到梁启超[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2014, (11): 115-119. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2014.11.023
    XU Bin, FU Lai-xia. Pursuit of Social Innovation in Comparison between Chinese andWestern Cultures: From GUO Song-tao to LIANG Qi-chao[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (11): 115-119. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2014.11.023
    Citation: XU Bin, FU Lai-xia. Pursuit of Social Innovation in Comparison between Chinese andWestern Cultures: From GUO Song-tao to LIANG Qi-chao[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2014, (11): 115-119. DOI: 10.13603/j.cnki.51-1621/z.2014.11.023


    Pursuit of Social Innovation in Comparison between Chinese andWestern Cultures: From GUO Song-tao to LIANG Qi-chao

    • 摘要: 晚清时期,随着西学东渐的不断深入,郭嵩焘和梁启超都在寻求救亡图存的时代主题下,进行了中西文化的比较和融通。二人虽处于不同的年代,但在中西政治思想、教育思想和国人道德整肃的比较等方面,都提出了许多近似的观点,这推进了中西文化比较和社会变革的进程。他们的中西文化比较就内容而言,呈现出由浅入深的趋势; 就比较方法而言,呈现了由简到丰的特征。这反映出了近代中西文化比较和社会变革逐步深入演变的轨迹。


      Abstract: In late Qing Dynasty, with the increasing development of the Western learning in the East, both GUO Song-tao and LIANG Qi-chao made comparisons between the Chinese and Western cultures and attempted to make the two fused into each other under the theme of saving our nation. Though they were in different times, they had a lot of similar views concerning both Chinese and Western political and educational thoughts and the improvement of Chinese morality. This gave a great impetus to the comparison between the two cultures and to the social innovation. The content of their contrast between the two cultures showed the tendency from superficial to deep. And their methods were from simple to abundant. This has reflected the evolution of contrast between the Chinese and Western cultures and social innovations in modern China.


