官方记载与民间话语的互动 ——以武则天神秘类故事为中心
Interactions between Official Records and Folk Discourses: A Study around the Mysterious Stories about WU Ze-tian
摘要: 武则天故事经历了一个从历史到文学的转移过程,其间经历了一系列变化。人物形象从普通凡人转移成灵异神人,感情色彩上从逐渐贬低到真心褒扬,结构内容上从只言片语到连缀全篇。武则天神秘类故事主要分为两个层面,官方记载和民间传说。立场不同产生不同的褒贬倾向,官方的记载以贬低武则天为主,而民间故事多以颂扬武则天为主。Abstract: The stories concerning WU Ze-tian has gone through the change from history to literature. Her image has changed from an ordinary person to a goddess. The attitude toward her has undergone alternation from depreciation to sincere compliment. As for the content, there were only a few words at first, but now the stories about her can be found anywhere. The mysterious stories concerning the empress are mainly from the official records and folk tales. The different standing leads to different inclination of depreciation and compliment. And the official records are largely depreciated, whereas the folk legends are mostly commendatory.