历史的真实与历史理解的真实 ——关于深化范长江研究的几点思考
The Historical Facts and the Truth in Historical Understanding: Reflectionson Deepened Study of FAN Chang-jiang
摘要: 近三十年来范长江的研究发展至今已呈现出遭遇瓶颈的态势。突破瓶颈, 深化研究须突破三个问题:范长江是“人”还是政治符号问题; 范长江的世界观及其内在矛盾问题; 特殊语境的理解与历史理解问题。Abstract: In the past thirty years, the study of FAN Chang-jiang has appeared to meet its bottleneck. The three questions which are to break this bottleneck are whether FAN is an individual person or a political symbol, FAN's world view and its internal contradictions, and the understanding of certain context and history.