A Study of The Inscribed Bamboo Slips Unearthed from a Qin Tomb in Fangmatan
摘要: 《天水放马滩秦简》一书收录了1986年甘肃省天水市放马滩秦墓出土的461支竹简的简牍和释文。本文在整理小组及时贤考释的基础上,就文字释读提出十八点自己的看法,以期更好地利用这批秦简资料。Abstract: The book The Inscribed Bamboo Slips Unearthed from a Qin Tomb in Fangmatan has collected 461 inscribed bamboo slips from a Qin tomb unearthed in Fangmatan, Tianshui, Gansu in 1986. On the basis of textual research by the resorting team, this paper has made 18 points views on the text interpretation in an attempt to make better use of these materials.